Hi @ kemionoja,
Best wishes going forward following your home move.
It can take the forum staff a couple of days to pick up and respond to any posts. I realise how important your new connection is to you as you've also posted https://community.virginmedia.com/discussions/ManageAccountCable/urgent-service-reconnection/5617252 and https://community.virginmedia.com/discussions/ManageAccountCable/house-move-query/5585782/replies/5617192
You say you called yesterday for reconnection, was this to speak to the homemovers team to ask them to process a home move?
Or had you already set that in motion and yesterdays call was to the activation line to double check it had been activated?
The activation phone number if you need it is 0800 953 9500. If contacting them you will need the hub serial number (shoud be on a sticker on the box base) along with your new account number and area number.