Unfinished Installation - Missing external protection box and hub5
I am a new customer to Virgin and had the 1gig package installed on the 14th December 2024. Nearing the end of the installation the engineer explained that he had no external wall mounted virgin boxes (unsure of the correct name) to house the connecting wires/splitter from weather/damage. He said that within a few days someone will attend to finish neatening up the wires and to fit a box on the wall.
Now over 5 weeks later its still exposed and the wires are still slack around the entry stairs to a basement flat and could easily be prone to damage/complaints down the line.
I would appreciate it if I could have some help to arrange for someone to finish the final bit of the installation before it starts causing problems to the connection through weather damage or someone damaging the cable while accessing the basement flat or discarding of rubbish. It was installed behind a row of dustbins which as you can see from the attached photo below people regularly throw rubbish behind which has a high potential to damage it at some point.
I would usually phone directly but unfortunately it's really hard to communicate with the Indian call centres.
Also as a side question the engineer also said he had to use a Hub 4 as he had no Hub 5's, is there a way I can request for a Hub 5 also? as I've read that the Hub 4 might not be the optimal router for 1gig to fully utilize those speeds due to limitations in its ethernet ports and WiFi capabilities.