Forum Discussion

RichS1's avatar
Tuning in
8 months ago

Total Loss of Service for 6 weeks

I may be just yelling into the void here, but I'm sick of going around in circles and being straight up lied to by Virgin, so I'm hoping someone can offer some advice.

I have had no broadband service since the 20th June. It was working pretty much flawlessly for 7-8 months since it was installed, then suddenly nothing and it hasn't worked since.

I reported the issue that evening and was sent an engineer on the 22nd. She tested the connection and got nothing but said the signal to the cabinet was working fine (I live in flats so there are shared cabinets on the property with all the communication equipment), so she recommended I would need the external cable from my flat to the cabinet replaced. She implied that she would do it herself but didn't have time that day and it might be a 2 person job.

The next day I had a confirmation by text of another appointment on the 26th, which I assumed would be to replace the cable. Instead it was a different engineer who just repeated the same steps as the first. He told me he couldn't replace the cable himself and it would be an external contractor needed. He said he or his manager would arrange everything and let me know.

After a week or so I hadn't heard anything so I called for an update. Of course, the person I spoke to had no idea what I was talking about and arranged for another engineer on the 10th July. When this engineer arrived, he again had no knowledge of the previous visits and repeated the same tests and told me the cable needed to be replaced. He said it would be done within 2 days, and as it was early in the day it would either be done that day or next. He also told me he would schedule himself for another visit the day after to make sure everything was working, and he would text me to confirm the various appointments.

I never had any confirmation from him, but waited in the next day just in case and, of course, no-one turned up. I called again but I was told there was no record of those appointments and was given yet another engineer appointment on the 13th.

This engineer never even bothered to turn up.

At this point I made a complaint on the website and got a reply relatively quickly with an appointment for a "repull" on the 26th July. I had confirmation by text the day before, so I waited in again and again no-one bothered to turn up. I called after the appointment time lapsed and was told that someone from the technician team would call me back "within the hour". Nobody called me, within the hour or otherwise.

I then called again and was told because the repull had been requested the next available appointment wasn't until the 12th August. More than 2 weeks wait for something that was supposed to be done on the 26th July! I was told a manager or supervisor would contact me by text on Monday 29th to arrange a sooner appointment, but surprise, surprise nobody has bothered to contact me yet again.

I have had to take a lot of time off work to be in for these appointments, costing me money and annoying my employer, who has strongly implied I won't be able to do so for much longer. I have since made another complaint and mentioned that I expect to receive the automatic compensation for the time I've been without service and the 2 no-shows from the engineers as promised on the Virgin Media website, and was offered £25 credit as a "goodwill gesture".

One of the most frustrating things about all this is that I don't actually think my cable needs to be replaced!

On the morning that my connection died I saw 2 Sky engineers working on the cabinet and when I got home from work in the evening I had no service, so I think it's pretty clear that that's what has caused the issue. I have been told by the various engineers that the cabinet has been labelled the way that Sky typically label it rather than the way Virgin do it, and one of them said I seem to be getting a Sky signal through my Virgin port in my flat.

With all of that in mind, and given that everything was working fine until then, it seems more likely to me that the Sky guys have simply mislabelled my cable and plugged it into their equipment by mistake and all I need someone to do is check that the cable that is supposed to feed my flat is the correct one. I have told all the engineers who visted this but I guess this doesn't appear on their checklist or something so they've simply flagged it as a repull and now that's what I'm getting whether I need it or not, meaning 2+ weeks between appointments and just praying they show up on the day.

I'm sorry for the long rant, but I genuinely don't know what I'm going to do if this keeps dragging on. If anyone has any advice I would greatly appreceate it.

  • Again, I have already gone to the ombudsman. They have accepted my case (I don't need a deadlock letter) but I can't do anything further until 5 September.

    • Akua_A's avatar
      Forum Team

      Sorry to hear the issue is ongoing RichS1 

      As the issue is now with the ombudsman, it is best advised to leave the case in the hands of the adjudicator. They will contact us on your behalf to work on a resolution. We will do our best to support the case. Please let us know if you need any other further help and we will do our best to assist.
