Repeated failed installs is driving me insane!
Plea for help. We have recently moved and simply wanted to move our VM to our new home, which is literally 100 metres away. There is some pre-install work required, we are on the 5th floor and the fibre needs to be connected to our apartment from the gardens below, the box is in situ but no fibre.
The home install teams have been efficient, on time & pleasant - FOUR TIMES! Every time we are told the external work has not been completed resulting in a failed install, with teams to turning up and unable to help. We have now been without WI-FI over a month. I work from home for NHS and have been hotspotting from my phone which is unstable and not reliable when working with large data files, cloud based files or with Teams. The latest failed pre-install was today, we have yet another home install due tomorrow and know it will again be a waste of time, so rinse and repeat the last four visits. I cannot cope with yet another phone call and more false promises from the call Center, they are pleasant people with a difficult job, but I find it so condescending, I’ve have not known such poor customer service since the Telewest days. I want to cry with frustration. My question is, I’ve not had any issues previously with VM, but I’m at the point of throwing my hat in and going elsewhere. The compensation will probably only just cover my mobile phone bills. Anyone had similar and managed to overcome the false promises, failed pre-installs and even more delays?