Only half the street is live.
My Street was dug up around 6 or 7 months ago to lay cabling for virgin fibre, but only on the opposite side of the road, with the customer service manager telling us that we wouldn't need our side dug up as we would be connected to a box on the telephone pole.
They hung the box on the telephone pole (can see it from my front door step) and just left.... no response from the customer service manager and trying to get an answer from someone on the phone results in being hung up on, also the postcode checker on virgins main website comes up with 'keep me posted' and nothing ever comes through after the 10 day period. And a previous post on the forums suggestion was to fill out the 'keep me posted' form, which did not get answered.
Houses 1 to 30 can get full fibre houses 31 to 60 cannot.
Having to chase tails for months on end is beyond a joke.
So the question is how can I get in contact with Virgin about this issue?
Do I need to alert the local MP as virgin have misappropriation funds from 'Scotland's Full Fibre Charter' by not competing the work they were tasked with.
Or is this a complaint to the communications ombudsman?
Thanks for your time.