Moving home - Contract issue
I have been a customer with Virgin Media for around 9 years and I was paying for my services "out of contract" meaning I had already paid the minimum term. I recently bought a home and wanted to move my services to my new address, I requested that my services do not change and I just want to move them to the new address. After some back and forth I finally managed to do so - including paying the final bill at my old address and subsequently being double billed at my new address. This didn't bother me too much as I was just glad to have moved the services.
I have noticed a huge drop in my internet speed at the new address and decided I wanted to switch provider as paying £69.90 a month for less than 30Mb/s seemed extortionate. Before doing so, I looked at the email I was sent when I moved houses and noticed that it is actually under contract again with a minimum term of 18 months - Is this just my old contract or will I have to pay an for an early disconnection fee of 15 months?
- Customer for 9 years, paying for services "out of contract" (past the minimum term)
- Moved houses, requesting no changes to my package
- Internet speed is worse so wanted to switch provider
- Checked email I was sent after moving houses to see that I have a minimum term again