Forum Discussion

mikeruby's avatar
Joining in
10 months ago


In January, as a new customer, I signed up a contract for M250 fibre broadband and was advised that installation would take place on February 12th. The engineer came but told me he could not go ahead with the installation as work was required in the street. I was given a new date some weeks later. The road and pavement outside our block of flats was dug up and the guys from Kelly Communications advised me that the “T” junction had been installed up against the block boundary wall and that all that now was required was for a Virgin engineer to install the cabling up to our flat. Since that time I have had 5 appointments from the pre-installation team booked and then either cancelled at the last minute or not turned up at all. I am not given a reason for the “bumping” of the appointments and when a phone I am Tod differing stories such as, Council approval is required or further work is necessary before the installation can go ahead. At the moment I have an appointment in a couple of weeks, but how can I be sure this will go ahead? Will I be bumped yet again? I can’t fathom out what the problem is, so any help or advice would be welcome.

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    If you read some of the past topics on the 'Quick Start' forum you will see that yours is a familiar story of bungling involving VM and its cabling sub-contractors. usually the issues are down to poor (no) communication between the parties or some kind of installation cost issue arises.

    'Council permits' is VM's go-to default excuse for a long delay often that is untrue (as proved by past customers who have made their own enquiries with their council).

    When Kelly Communications completed their work, did they actually pull through a cable at the same time from the street cabinet to a box on your wall?

    You mention your 'block of flats'. What floor is your flat on and how are VM's cables distributed to other flats in the block? VM working at height (if relevant) and getting the cable to your flat may be other possible causes of delay.

    The bungling and false information may continue for some time yet but you are entitled to compensation for the delay

    The rate was actually £5.83/day for the last financial year.

    If 12 Feb was your first activation date, and the technician turned up with the equipment but could not install/activate, that is when you start counting from.

    In all likelihood you will need to go to arbitration to get paid the correct amount so keep detailed records in a timeline format (along with corresponding pieces of evidence) which will help you when you need to claim.

    One of the VM forum team will reply here (usually within a few days). They may offer to help, or make a complaint or may just refer you back to the installation phone number.

  • Hi mikeruby 👋.

    Thanks for reaching out to us, and welcome to the Community Forums. Apologies for the issues that you have had with your recent installation being delayed, there can be a few factors that can prolong an installation to be carried out, so that we can get you the right information on the situation with yours, please join me in a private message. Please look out for the envelope on the top right of your web browser or if you are using a mobile device, it will be located under your profile icon.



  • As a new customer, I signed up for fibre broadband last January. Since that time the scheduled date for installation keeps being put back and today VM have, for the 8th or 9th time, re-scheduled for the middle of June without any explanation. I know a lot of people are having the same problem, but is this situation to go on indefinitely???

    How do you get through to someone at VM that can tell me honestly what the problem is?