Forum Discussion

Stefania87's avatar
Joining in
11 months ago

I can’t get Virgin Media but neighbours can?


With the recent price increases I’ve been looking around at deals and am interested in getting Virgin Media Broadband + big TV bundle. I put in my address on the website and it states I cannot get Virgin Media. When I put in my neighbour’s addresses it says they can… I live in a flat and one is next door and one is below.

I rang up and the sales assistant said it’s to do with the cables under the road why certain properties can get but doing my own research, can’t a splitter be applied and I bunk off a neighbour’s line? I read that all the cables support speeds up to 10GB which would take a few properties to max.

The gentleman on the phone said there were a number of properties on the road that are signed up and waiting for Virgin Media also… If anyone can look into this it would be much appreciated. 

I for one am interested in 1GB broadband and the max TV bundle and I’m sure if what the guy said is true others are as well.


Thank you



  • VM-Jon's avatar
    Problem sorter

    Hi Stefania87 

    Thank you for reaching out to us here, welcome to the community.

    There could be a number of reasons why one property could receive service and not another. It’s very difficult to say without understanding it a little more so I would like to take a look at this for you and see what I can do to help. In order to do so I will need a little bit more detail so I will send you a private message.

    Once we have a better understanding we may be able to escalate this to one of our team to resolve for you because we would love to have you as a customer.


    Thank you
