Forum Discussion

john1san's avatar
Just joined
10 months ago

Hub 5 stuck in reboot loop

I've just got back from being away for a month and apparently the internet has been working absolutely perfectly the whole time.

I've had suspicions it's my phone that messes with the WiFi for a while, is that crazy??

Hub 5 is currently stuck in a loop of solid white light then pulsing white light. The network appears in the available networks list briefly, if I manage to connect it's "connected without internet", then the network vanishes. Rinse repeat .

With WiFi off on my phone the same happens on my iPad.

And the ethernet pc has a long running issue where a router reboot is needed to connect (almost) every time, even when the WiFi is workinf on other devices juat fine - which is why I originally rebooted the router and set this reboot loop off today!

  • Hi john1san,

    Thanks for posting this on our Community Forums, this certainly sounds like a frustrating issue - Sorry you're struggling with it!

    How has your Hub been since you last posted on Wednesday?

    Have you logged into the MyVM App to run a diagnostic test? If not, please do this now and let us know if it detects anything 🙂

