Help with fault since January - Don't know where to go!
I have the 1 Gig service and have been a happy customer for many years. However, that changed in January when I replaced my own router with one with a 2.5 Gb port. I'm running in modem mode. I was using a Hub 4 and thought I would upgrade to a Hub 5 to benefit from the 2.5 Gb port so I could squeeze all the speed out of my connection.
Since then, I have had ongoing issues with my connection, significant packet loss and dropped connections repeatedly throughout the day. This is the last 24 hours.
Multiple engineers have checked the kit, but they all report the same issue: noise on the network that is affecting my connection and others nearby.
A network fault is apparently open, but this has been going on for months. Every time I try to get an update, I am told there is a network fault, and it will be resolved soon (24 - 48 hours), but this has been going on for 2 months I tell them to be told it is a serious issue affecting many customers and it will be fixed in 24 - 48 hours and we go round and round in circles.
I receive no updates and don't know what to do.
I'm still suspicious there is a problem with my connection since it only occurred after the replacement router, but all the engineers who have visited have said it is fine. When they plug their diagnostic box into the internal white box on the wall of my house, they can see the errors, which rules out my router and VM hub.
Perhaps someone could give me some advice on getting this fixed.
I logged a complaint on Sunday, so maybe that will yield a result, but I thought I would ask this in parallel as it may be another week or so until someone picks up the complaint.