Forum Discussion

Jack2333's avatar
Joining in
5 months ago

First installation and flashing green light


I have a similar problem here. I just got the hub and installed it. The base light started with yellow then flashing yellow for a while and flashing green and repeat from the yellow stage. I’ve tried reinstalled two times but still not fixing. I can connect to it when it’s flashing green but there is no network. Can you please help me with that?

Thank you.


  • Hi Jack2333 

    Thanks for posting and welcome back to the community. We're sorry to hear of any install issue. From checking the system, you've got an engineer visit booked to resolve this 🙂

    Please let us know how the visit goes.

  • Hi, my issue has been solved. The engineer came late but he solved it very efficiently. Thank you. 

    • Vikki_M's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi Jack2333

      Thanks for letting us know.

      It's great to hear your issue has now been resolved :).

      If you have any further questions, please pop back to us here on the forums and we'd be happy to help. 

      Take care.