Forum Discussion

Anonymous's avatar
31 days ago

Constant lies from pre-installation team

I talked to a sales person on December 24th and set up my account/contract for their best fiber optic package I could get. I then organized a pre-site inspection, which was scheduled for December 27th. I was given the timeframe of 1pm-6pm. I was told that I would need to be there for this, for some reason. I took the day off work and waited. No one showed up. I called and they said there was an issue and they'll come on the Monday (December 30th). I waited that day too, taking the day off again. No one showed again. I was told it was because there is a "blockage in the pavers and they couldn't do the work," which is a blatant lie, since I was only waiting for the pre-site inspector, not a wire pull yet. I waited 3 more days, with more excuses ranging from "a blockage in my driveway," to "I didn't answer the door," which was all lies, considering I was there and that wasn't the issue at all. I was even told my vehicle was blocking the driveway and the "engineer" couldn't "do the wire pull," which is also both lies because I don't have a car, no one was parked there and I was waiting for a pre-site inspection, not a wire pull.

Finally when the pre-site inspector actually did come, he said they were definitely lying because my wires were in place at the small black hatch in the sidewalk in front of my house, and he verified that a wirepull was good to go. Since then, I've had scheduled dates and times for the outside wirepull and no one shows up (even though I do know I don't have to be there for this). I called and they are still trying to tell me there's a block in the road and they can't pull the wires to the latch in the sidewalk in front of my house, until they get permission to excavate near the box at the end of my street. This is another lie, since the pre-site inspector literally showed me the wires outside my house. I spoke to another person who said it will be prioritized and he would call (at 9:30pm, 2 hours later) to confirm this with me when the priority goes through. They didn't call. I was told by another pre-install team member that they guaranteed that the work would be done the next day. That was a lie, they still didn't show up. I'm just being lied to constantly. Every person I speak to is from a call center somewhere else in the world, barely speaks English, and seems to just be reading pre-written excuses.

The last person I spoke to from the "pre-install team," told me the "permission" they are waiting for will take 6 to 8 weeks. *WEEKS*. This is absolutely insane. There's no communication. No one knows what they're talking about and I've caught them in lies dozens of times.

For all of the time I took off work, and all the trouble and hassle they put me through, they said the max compensation would be £45. £45. For me to take off 5 days of work and weeks of dealing with lies, they gave me £45 and it's still not even resolved. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Worst company I've ever had to deal with in my life.

  • -tony-'s avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    and 6 o 8 weeks is another lie - more like 2 days and in some parts of the country not even that as they dont have to apply

  • Hello tuktukpirate,

    Welcome to the Community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I’m sorry to hear of the issues that you’re having with your installation and this is far from the experience any of our customers should be having with us especially a new customer. I can see that you have spoken to the team since you last posted. Have they been able to give you any further clarity on the situation or do you still want this to be looked into further?
    Kind Regards,

    • Anonymous's avatar

      The internet has been installed but I was constantly lied to. Now its on to another issue. When I set up the account with the sales person, I initially was going to do it through "Top Case Back" which would give me £102 cash back when signing up. Instead the sales woman said she could do £105 + the £50 refferal. I have not seen any of that. I was also told I would get around £30 pound for every day I was told I had to be at my house for the first appointment (the pre-site inspection), but no one showed up ( which was a total of 5 days). I was told they would add all of this too my notes on my account. I was also called by a representative saying I would also get an amount of £25 for all my troubles.


      I haven't seen any of this money and I'm trying to figure out why I'm constantly lied to with this company. If I don't get the money for these issues I will be cancelling my account entirely and switching to Sky.