Forum Discussion

mulhall's avatar
Just joined
18 days ago

Another wrong installation? This is becoming a habit again and again!!!!

I discovered men working on my front driveway and roof  on Friday 24- 01 -2025 without my knowledge .

when asked what they were doing they said i had asked to have virgin media installed .... No i hadn't my name was not on any documents they had .

if they had spoken to myself the house owner beforehand as  as any tradesman would do they would have discovered this **bleep**-up. no they happily fitted the box cable and fitting without checking!!!!!!

They came onto my land and without consent damaged brickwork and woodwork without consent from me the house owner .

Today a week later another engineer came to install the TV box into my house ..... how useless can a company get. 

i like many others have had damage done to their house !!!  after many tries i  managing to make a telephone complaint regarding claiming for the damage done to my property 

 this like other's  who have tried had been ignored.  



  • Hi mulhall 

    Welcome to the Community Forums. 

    Sorry to hear of your concerns with an installation that you didn't request. 

    We can assure you these installs are not completed without a request being made. Were the names that requested the install, known to you? Such as tenants or perhaps, if you're in the process of selling the home, the buyers are sometimes too early to request the installation to be done. 

    We can see that you mentioned you've raised a complaint, the team will be in touch to discuss and get further information from you so they can work to resolve as soon as possible.