Another wrong installation? This is becoming a habit again and again!!!!
I discovered men working on my front driveway and roof on Friday 24- 01 -2025 without my knowledge .
when asked what they were doing they said i had asked to have virgin media installed .... No i hadn't my name was not on any documents they had .
if they had spoken to myself the house owner beforehand as as any tradesman would do they would have discovered this **bleep**-up. no they happily fitted the box cable and fitting without checking!!!!!!
They came onto my land and without consent damaged brickwork and woodwork without consent from me the house owner .
Today a week later another engineer came to install the TV box into my house ..... how useless can a company get.
i like many others have had damage done to their house !!! after many tries i managing to make a telephone complaint regarding claiming for the damage done to my property
this like other's who have tried had been ignored.