Worst customer service (again, again and again)
I don't usually post things but I am that angry and confused that I feel the need to share my experience that I've had over the last 3 weeks with every method of communicating with Virgin.
Longstanding customer of circa 25 years but 10 years ago I moved to internet and landline only. Generally happy with the service up until now but it all went haywire when my landline (plugged into the wall - important part for later in the story) started not getting a dialling tone and/or when contacting it, it was engaged. Internet working fine with no outages
What did I do
- Everything I was supposed to per the web-help. Results - no problems in your area. Do I still have issue? Yes
- Went into a web loop of link to link to link but nothing to help
- Phoned customer services, test, phone back, loop, test phone back, loop. Do I still have an issue? Yes. Have I spoken to anyone No.
- Whilst in the internal loop and checking for results in the hope I would be transferred to an 'agent' I noticed I was out of contract. Sign up for a new one - discounted rate!! I'll do that while I wait
- After 2 hours I didn't hang up on my self promised last call for the day and I finally got to speak to someone. Problem solved. It was only just beginning
First Contact
- Advised of the problem and after 40 minutes I was told that they would send me a cable to upgrade to the new network and it would be with me within 3 or 4 days.
- During the discussion it became apparent there was no record of me being in contract. I said that I had just done one. Quoted the reference etc - no record. I thought no more of it and thought it might be a timing issue,
The aftermath
- Told the family to share their mobile numbers as the landline wasn't working and all of a sudden the line started coming in and out and then back for a short period. No worries, the cable is on the way
- Days go by, nothing and today I got to the end of tether during another sustained outage and decided to use Webchat. Would this be the resolution after 9 days waiting on the cable.
Webchat debacle
Before I start the rant, you have to be aware I've been on this for nearly 4 hours before I ended up quitting and decided to post here.
- Agent 1 - 3 letters of your password etc. Get to confirm your monthly payment and date of payment. I told her what the old amount was but that I have a new rate (quoted the reference again and pasted the email into the webchat) and she told me no you don't. Okay what are you going to do about that? and where's my cable to fix my phone? - Response - transferred me to concern team
- Agent 2 - 3 letters of your password. What is your problem? Rinse and repeat for 30 minutes. A message pops up why are you leaving us? WTAF? We have protocols to follow I will transfer you to our technical people. Wait, wait what is going on with my contr......
- Agent 3 - 3 letters of your password. By this point I am furious. I've told him I am not giving you it unless you can tell my 100% that you can address both the contract and cable issue. Yes I can. Pause, pause, explanation, rinse and repeat yet again. Ok, we don't send cables out anymore! Again, WTAF! So why did your colleague tell me I was being sent one and why is my account not reflecting my new contract..... Pause, Pause. Then the best of the lot - Are you still available to chat? You bet your bottom dollar I am. Tell me what kind of cable and what about my contract..... I've updated your account for the new contract. Agent 3 terminates call
- Webchat - Do you still want to speak to someone
- Agent 4 - Joins the call and I thought f**k it and leave it after waiting on the chap for 20 minutes to say hello
My Virgin Media - Let's see what this looks like now
- You are out of contract. Oh **bleep**!
- Renew online, get my second reference, tick,tick, boom, get emails confirming
- Your are out of contract. Did I do something wrong? Let's try again
- Renew online, get my third reference, tick, tick, no boom until check, email received, MyVirginMedia - You are out of contract.
So I don't know if I have 3 contracts, 4 contracts, no contracts. My phone isn't working properly and I don't know what I have to buy (that they were sending me) to resolve my issues.
Shocking on all levels