Virgin customer service reached a new low
I have a pending disconnection with virgin but thought I’d try again to stay. After long conversation on WhatsApp live chat I got offered a package of £46 per month for 1gb broadband an evening chatter, new hub 5 and a waived activation fee.
I argued it as I did not want a phone line and never had done but when I joined VM never offered cheaper broadband only deals.
if I wanted a package without phone line then it would be £48.75. I questioned if my partner could take out a new contract but they said no as there is already virgin at the property and it would need to be 90 days before considered a new customer. Absolute joke. I questioned what if someone moves in then are they saying that they wouldn’t be able to have virgin for 90 days? He says he will get someone to discuss with me, I then get disconnected and passed to someone else.
This person then offers me M350 and evening chatter for £50.75! I questioned it as their colleague offered me the 1gb deal. VM comes back with £48.75 for 1gb. After some back and forths I said I wanted the £46 deal and he tells me that deal is gone as I declined it!
New offer is now £47 a month but using my existing hub.
He said I couldn’t have that previous deal now because I’d declined it which I hadn’t, the previous person disconnected the chat!
what has happened to VM. Nothing but terrible service this year from VM. I’ve never complained about virgin until this year.
I hate doing things like this. I hope someone from virgin reads this and reaches out to me to try and resolve.