Hi, I'm experiencing the same very poor system functionality as many in this thread.
I need to access my account to confirm details of my last bill. My password reset emails have never come through. I've been through this process online 3 times, leaving over 30 minutes between each attempt for the email to be "processed". Ironically I was also told that one of the three customer service agent I spoke to had also sent me a link to help reset my password, this also hasn't been received. So, I sent myself a test email from another account and received it in seconds. I then registered here for the forums with the same email address my "My Virgin Media" account was set up on and although that landed in my junk box, it also came through in seconds.
Ultimately the system is floored as I'm asked by customer service to confirm my last bill amount as a security question, which I can't obtain because I can't access my account and the bill statement amount I have via email doesn't match their data on screen....
The chat bot reset support went into a loop of just starting a new conversation whenever I clicked the reset link and ultimately none of the systems written seem to have ever been tested for quality or fit for purpose before release to the public domain. Add to this the fact that you charge for the extremely poor support over the phone and it's a wonder anyone stays after experiencing a log in issue or account problem.
Support from one of you in the forum community would be very much appreciated.
Best regards,