Pre - contract documents received, then radio silence
I signed up to a broadband only contract a number of weeks ago. I then received a pre-contract document email and order summary.
This email stated further information would follow, such as the contract, and that we would also hear from YODEL regarding delivery information. Since then we have heard absolutely nothing more from virgin or yodel.
i have tried every possible method of contacting customer service, live chat, called god knows how many numbers, most of which were said to be unused despite being recommended by the website or emails or live chat. Those that were in use require an account number which I haven’t been sent and have no option to circumvent this.
The only number that was successful then redirected me to another number as the operator could not help with my query. This redirected number was also no longer in use and I got hung up on. I called again and the same happened.
At a total loss, anyone experienced the same how did you resolve it?