Help wante- Got my pre Contract documents but nothing else.
I'm in same position. Found there was a renewal offer on my online account which does seem to be too good to believe. But I accepted it and had email back from "webteam" with an order number and confirming the future cost as offered. I have not had a formal contract yet. However the order reference doesn't appear on orders section of my account yet. If I try to go back into change account it says a current order is being processed. I have been told that can take 14 working days. That takes me to 6 March but my next bill will be issued on 29 February. So it is likely to for the non discounted full amount. I can't afford to pay out that amount even though I would hope it would be sorted out in bill at end of March. Having read other posts on here people do appear to have been misled into thinking they have a new contract pending but then are told it hasn't gone through. This is all so worrying for me, a 74 year old single person on a low retirement income.
Any help appreciated. I have written my own post separately but can't find it now!
[MOD EDIT: Post split to create own thread]
I feel for you Soos and this must be very worrying for you at your age and current situation. It's not fair if they cannot or will not uphold these offers that they are sending out to people.