Please Read. Be Aware.Contract Renewal
Below is a timeline/description of my major problem renewing my package:
1. November 28th, I accepted an offer to renew my exact same deal for £50 via email virgin sent.Cirrent deal expires in January.
2.After looking at my account. Nothing had changed to the new deal/contract i accepted.
3.12th December is where the (not so fun), started. I called them, got put through to cancelation/retentions..Here i was told the webteam offer i accepted had not been approved due to a system malfunction at there end.I have the CSS and CIS paperwork in my email and hard copy that says i accepted the new deal. However, i was told that the deal would be honoured.I could name names....The agent said they would call back at 12.30pm 14th December....Heard nothing.
4. After logging into my account my current contract had disappeared. Replaced with a new one for £124.75 .Not what I agreed...I was told a rolling credit of £74.75p would be added to bring this down to £50...
5.Fast forward to 23rd December after several calls and promises (broken), contract changes etc..All promising the £50 per month deal, yet not showing in new contract on MyVM account.
6.After the call yesterday 23rd December, again, I was told that the £50 per month package i signed up for would be agreed..Again a rolling credit, that had to be renewed every 3 months by myself ringing up virgin to action this..Figures as follows on my new contract..£127 per month.No rolling credit of £77 showing..More startling was the request that my next payment /bill is for £230.06p , due onthe 16th January, again none of what i agreed, so still in limbo with what should have been a simple contract renewal on 28th November.
All n all...Take from this what you will, I will be terminating my contract with VM, unless i see on my account/bills that shows£50 per month as I agreed, Secondly, i will be forwarding all the relevant correspondence to ombudsman for there information.....Finally, and most importantly, I do not know how they can get away with this, misselling, handing out contracts that were not agreed, really poor customer service to the point where lies are being told and promises not being followed up.......Good luck all, when your contract is up and renewal negotations start.