Offered a deal.
Rang in to definitely give notice on 9th August . Talked me into letting they try to match a deal I had got with Youfibre.
Eventually agreed an offer of £37.01 for 1gb broadband ( volt customer ) along with £150 account credit.
Credit wasn't mentioned on the contract paperwork but told that would be credited later.
To cut a long story short , eight further calls to retentions team and still not sorted .
Request to retrieve the phone conversation put in . Told that if that is what was offered it will be honoured.
Now seven working days later doesn't seem to be any attempt to retrieve the call .
I feel like I am being strung along until I am out of my 14 day cooling off period .
If they had told me day one that they couldn't agree a deal I would have just left there and then.
So far 185 minutes on phone calls and told to give to it a few more days , it has been referred to a manager ?
If they genuinely honour deals agreed to why does it need to be referred to a manager ?