Mysterious Netflix added again?!
So my last package with Virgin had a Netflix premium added which at the time, I never signed up for, requested nor was it listed (that I could see) as an option for me to take. I'd assume this would be a choice given, otherwise why not tell me that I'm having a subscription forced onto me that I'm forced to pay for?
Anyway, fast-forward half a year, Virgin offered to renegotiate my package on contract again. I get it cheaper, they ensure I stay for 18 months. For me, it was a win-win. However, surprise surprise... I check my bill, and it's higher than it should be? There is a discrepancy between my bill amount and the cost of my package. I get that sinking feeling in my stomach again. I have another Netflix premium subscription on my account again. It is beyond frustrating. I don't select it when I purchase packages because we already have a household account. It also didn't show up on the page when I was confirming my contract, I made doubly sure to check as this had happened before!
So my question. Since I've taken out a new contract with Virgin, am I now stuck paying for a Netflix Subscription I didn't want, need, ask for or was I shown or told I would be paying for? Because it didn't tell me I would, or else I'd never have signed up for a new contract knowing I'd be saddled with yet another Netflix subscription.