Misled By Virgin Media Support and need help.
Contacted Virgin Media today at 12:30 in the morning about getting a better deal on WhatsApp, was told that I could originally get Sky Sports for free of charge along with Disney+. However my bill has increased to £41. I was told by the customer service agent that it may take 3-4 for it to revert to my old price of £31.99. Now that these hours have past, I still have the price of £41 and so I gave a call to customer services. They said that TNT Sports was added to my account for a charge of £18 with £8 account credit for 18 months. I feel incredibly misled and worried. Below I have attached a transcript of my messages on WhatsApp with customer service. Please can a Virgin Media Staff Member Help as I am genuinely worried.
09/03/2024, 10:48 - This business works with other companies to manage this chat. Tap to learn more. 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Virgin Media: Hi from Virgin Media! To continue your conversation, please reply to this WhatsApp message 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Talha: Hello 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Virgin Media: 👋 Thanks for switching over to WhatsApp. You’re through to the Virgin Media Virtual Assistant. 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Virgin Media: Just to let you know, this is our messaging service and not live chat. Before we transfer you through to an agent we just need to reconfirm some details with you. 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Virgin Media: Can we start off by taking your first name? 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Talha: (Removed) 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Virgin Media: Please select one of the following options 👇 1) Broadband, TV or Phone 2) Mobile 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Talha: 1 09/03/2024, 10:48 - Virgin Media: Please select an option below 👇 1) Technical support 🔧 2) Billing & payments 💷 3) Change my package 📑 4) Installations & deliveries 🚚 5) Moving home 🏡 6) Account access 💻 7) Something else ❓ 09/03/2024, 10:49 - Talha: 3 09/03/2024, 10:49 - Virgin Media: Please could you tell us what your account number is? If you’re not sure just type “UNSURE” or enter your landline number. 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Talha: (Removed) 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Virgin Media: Are you the account holder? 1) Yes 2) No 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Talha: 1 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Virgin Media: Could you please tell us your full name? 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Talha: (Removed) 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Virgin Media: Can you confirm the email address registered on your account? 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Talha: (REMOVED) 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Virgin Media: On which date does your Direct Debit come out of your account? 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Talha: 28 09/03/2024, 10:51 - Virgin Media: Finally, what was your last bill value? 09/03/2024, 10:52 - Talha: (Removed) 09/03/2024, 10:52 - Virgin Media: So that the agent can help you as quickly as possible, please can you type a brief description of your query and anything else we can help with today? 09/03/2024, 10:52 - Talha: Can I get a better deal for this package slightly cheaper 09/03/2024, 10:52 - Virgin Media: Just to let you know this is a messaging service and not live chat, so we may not be able to respond to your query immediately. Our wait times can vary, but we’ll get you to an agent as quickly as we can. So that you can get on with your day, we’ll notify you as soon as an agent becomes available. Just keep this chat open, and we’ll get back to you as quickly as we can. 09/03/2024, 10:52 - Virgin Media: We wanted to let you know that we are busier than expected today and as a result you may have to wait for a while to get connected to a member of the team. We are really sorry for any inconvenience and rest assured we are working hard to get to you as quickly as we can. Thank you so much for your understanding. 09/03/2024, 10:52 - Talha: And also can we use disney plus with ads on virgin media box 360 09/03/2024, 12:00 - Virgin Media: Thank you so much for explaining your query! Now that I have those details, I can start to progress and get the help you need today. If you can allow me approximately 5 – 8 minutes in order to clear the security checks and gather more details from your account to link back to your query, that will allow me to come back to you with the next steps to get the right resolution. I will be right back. 09/03/2024, 12:01 - Talha: Ok 09/03/2024, 12:01 - Virgin Media: Hi Talha. I'm Vignesh. Thank you for waiting to get connected to us. I really appreciate your patience and time for contacting us during your busy schedule. We have had a large inflow of chats recently which is the cause for the delay to be connected to me. I can see that you are here regarding your package change and I will do my best to assist you. Could provide me with the 3rd 4th 6th characters of your memorable word for me to process your request. The password I require is the one you quote whenever you call to speak to our team and not the password you use to access and view your bills or online account. I will send you a secure form to enter these details. 09/03/2024, 12:01 - Virgin Media: [Cable] Security answer request: (Removed) 09/03/2024, 12:02 - Talha: Yes 09/03/2024, 12:04 - Virgin Media: Perfect! That's correct, you are in. You have cleared security which makes it easier for me to solve your query. If you have mentioned any security details such as your bill value or email address, I will have to request you to delete it for security purposes. I can see that you are an avid user of our TV and Broadband services. Could you please tell me more about the number of connected devices and the channels you would like to watch so I can give you the right package? 09/03/2024, 12:06 - Talha: I want to get a better price 09/03/2024, 12:11 - Virgin Media: I can see that you are already on a new contract for 31 GBP per month. You still have 17 months on your current contract as it was signed on the 29th of February 2024. 09/03/2024, 12:11 - Talha: So I can not get cheaper 09/03/2024, 12:11 - Talha: Also can I use disney plus with ads on virgintv 360 09/03/2024, 12:14 - Virgin Media: We can add Disney plus on your account now, would you like for me to go ahead and do that? 09/03/2024, 12:15 - Talha: Disney plus with ads 09/03/2024, 12:15 - Talha: Is it possible for me to use 09/03/2024, 12:18 - Virgin Media: Yes, that is possible for you to us, and we have added sky sports as well with no cost. You can go ahead and agree to the terms and conditions and your new services will be on in the next 4 hours. Your new services are subjected to any existing contract you have previously agreed to. If there is no active contract period, then a 30 days minimum notice period will apply. If you choose to leave your contract early or move to an address where Virgin Media is not available you may be subjected to an Early Disconnection Fee. The price of Virgin Media's main services will increase each April. The price of your monthly main services will increase from April 2025 by the Retail Price Index rate of inflation announced in February each year plus 3.9%. This doesn’t apply to any add-ons you may have selected or admin costs. The price of add-ons may vary at any time and you can cancel them with 30 days’ notice. 09/03/2024, 12:18 - Talha: Sky sports is free? 09/03/2024, 12:18 - Talha: I don't understand 09/03/2024, 12:19 - Talha: I haven't said yes to anything yet 09/03/2024, 12:20 - Virgin Media: No worries, I will explain in detail before we go ahead, there are existing discounts on your account where we can add Disney + and sky sports for no additional charge. 09/03/2024, 12:20 - Talha: Thats amazing 09/03/2024, 12:20 - Talha: So will my price remain at £31 09/03/2024, 12:20 - Virgin Media: Yes, that is correct. Your price will remain the same until the next 18 months as per the discounts I have added. 09/03/2024, 12:21 - Talha: Wow 09/03/2024, 12:22 - Virgin Media: Would you like to go ahead, I cannot confirm if the discounts would stay. I must let you know that our discounts are highly volatile, dynamic and subjective in nature. Which means that once an offer is rejected, you might not get that offer again. 09/03/2024, 12:22 - Talha: Ok 09/03/2024, 12:22 - Talha: As long as the price remains £31 09/03/2024, 12:22 - Talha: Please explain in further detail 09/03/2024, 12:24 - Virgin Media: Yes, the price will remain the same which is 31 GBP on your account. If you are okay with this discounts, we can go ahead but if you refuse, I cannot guarantee if you will get the same discount next time. 09/03/2024, 12:24 - Talha: What will the price be once my contract has ended 09/03/2024, 12:26 - Virgin Media: After your contract ends in 18 months your package price will be for 82 GBP, so you can get back to us one month before your contract ends for us to add another set of discounts on your account. 09/03/2024, 12:26 - Talha: IMG-20240309-WA0000.jpg (file attached) (Image in app of the bill) This says 37 pls cancel 09/03/2024, 12:27 - Talha: You can't decieve people 09/03/2024, 12:28 - Talha: I was told that the bill price would remain at 31.99 09/03/2024, 12:28 - Talha: But this says 37.67 09/03/2024, 12:28 - Virgin Media: I haven't made the change on your contract yet and I am waiting for your permission, only if you agree with this, in the next 3 - 4 hours your account will be updated with the latest contract information. I can still assure you that your package price is still 31.99 GBP. 09/03/2024, 12:28 - Talha: Ok 09/03/2024, 12:28 - Talha: With sky sports includes right 09/03/2024, 12:28 - Talha: Pls go ahead in this case 09/03/2024, 12:29 - Virgin Media: Yes, it is TNT sports, Sky sports will charge you extra for it, would you like for me to add it or go ahead with just Disney and TNT sports? 09/03/2024, 12:29 - Talha: Disney and tnt sports is fine, I don't want to pay extra 09/03/2024, 12:30 - Virgin Media: Wise choice, the changes have been made on your package and the services will start in the next 3 - 4 hours. I hope this helps. 09/03/2024, 12:30 - Talha: Ok 09/03/2024, 12:31 - Talha: So just to confirm the monthly price will be 31.99 through out the contract 09/03/2024, 12:31 - Talha: Also why is this free 09/03/2024, 12:32 - Virgin Media: Yes, that is correct, there is an existing discount on your account which has given me the opportunity to give TNT sports keeping the same price on your contract. 09/03/2024, 12:32 - Talha: Thank you 09/03/2024, 12:32 - Talha: Please get back to me if possible when the contract price has been fixed 09/03/2024, 12:33 - Virgin Media: Sure thing, thank you for your time. Thanks for getting in touch with us today to Change your Package – we hope you will be delighted with your new services. We wanted to let you know that we have lots of information you may find useful on our website in the event you have any more questions: You can View your current and future bills and get a full breakdown of how they are made up View your Contract View your Package and make changes See what’s on with our Channel Guide There is so much to be found on our website that will help you so please make sure you take a look. Please just follow the link and sign in, if you have not yet registered for MYVM you can do this here Virgin Media Support Home Register My Virgin Media Account | Virgin Media Thank you for being a patient and awesome customer. I hope I was able to solve your query to the best of my abilities. I would appreciate some feedback, from your end regrading my performance. Thanks for getting in touch. Cheers and have a fabulous day ahead! 09/03/2024, 12:35 - Virgin Media: We'd love to hear your feedback on the experience you've had with us today. 09/03/2024, 12:35 - Virgin Media: How satisfied are you with the service you received from the agent who assisted you, with ‘1’ being POOR and ‘5’ being GREAT? A) 1⭐️ B) 2⭐️⭐️ C) 3⭐️⭐️⭐️ D) 4⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ E) 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️