I can't get to View My Bill and other annoying stuff
I just want to view my bills!! I am going round and round on this stupid website but the links to 'View My Bill' just take me back to the same page. If I try to use the link in the email saying my bill is available online it opens nothing but a blank page. I want to view my bills because I want to confirm what I'm paying for and see the cost split between TV, broadband and landline. I tried the 'see current package' option but it took me back to View My Bill!! Somehow I found a page that told me what broadband speed I'm meant to have and the TV package I am on, but nothing about the landline or prices. And then when I tried to make a complaint I was blocked as 'not primary holder', which I am. Tried to look at account and got page telling me that the current Virgin Media account is currently unavailable and I have to unlock it, and all sorts of nonsense about changing passwords on apps I don't use. Well I had to face that last year, and it caused me huge problems resulting me in losing access to all email and Virgin Media accounts for over a week which caused massive disruption to our business. I'm not going to risk that again. And quite frankly I don't have the time or patience to try and explain all this to someone over the phone who - if previous experience shows - will give me the wrong information and **bleep** up the account anyway. Why is dealing with Virgin so hard and vexing??? Just give me access back to look at my bills when I click the damn button!!