Forum Discussion

roger121's avatar
Tuning in
2 years ago

End of contract notification


As per the details on my contract detailed in my account, I will receive an end of contract notification 10 to 40 days before the end of contract date. The end of my contract is approaching and I have not received a letter or an email notification of this. Can you please send the notification by email asap so I can see the options available to me. 




  • Hi roger121, thank you for your post.

    We're sorry to hear you haven't received your end-of-contract notification 😔

    In order to get clarity on the options available to you, we'd suggest contacting our customer relations team on 0345 454 1111 (Option one, then four, then four), or 150 from a Virgin Media landline or Virgin Mobile.


    • roger121's avatar
      Tuning in

      Hello Daniel,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I cannot get any info or clarification from the on-line contract detail in my account it just says that I will be advised 10 to 40 (I presume they mean 14) days before my contract end date by letter and email confirmation. I have received neither and the contract ends 9th November.

      I have tried phoning 150 to try to speak to an advisor but the robot just sends me back to where I came from. I cannot find any way of getting out of that cycle on the 150 phone line. I presume the other landline is just the same?

      Any suggestions please?





  • Hi Daniel.

    Just to clarify, I have just tried 150 and the 0345 numbers again and the options they give me do not give access to a live operator that I can ask my question to. I want to know why I have not been sent an "End of contract notification" but there appears to be no way to ask this question on the phone.

    Please advise how I can get an answer to the question.



  • Hello Goslow,

    My 18 month contract ends midnight 9th November so approx 3 days away. 

    I have checked the link you have given many times but it does not give a copy of my end of contract notification just that I will receive it between 10 and 40 days before the end. 

    All I want is to receive the notification so I can hopefully find out what my options are. Do I go onto a rolling contract or are there other options available and what are the charges going to be etc.?  The easiest way at this late stage is to send me an email copy of my end of contract notification.




    • goslow's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      Can't say what any individual letter might detail for you personally but, in general, when your minimum term ends you simply lapse onto the 'standard' price for your particular package unless you renegotiate for another minimum term. I don't think the letter would contain any offers/discounts etc. for you to sign up to.

      VM wants you to ring up and haggle an individual deal with a sales agent who will obviously try to upsell you a particular package.

      The best time to negotiate is within your last 30 days so, if you only have 3 days, you are in a prime position to negotiate.

      FWIW, I would just ring up and see what is on offer. Before doing that though, do some research into your alternatives and prices elsewhere. VM's offers tend to be 'of the moment' and very likely won't be repeated if you want to think about it and call back. If you are armed with this info you will be well placed to make a decision on whatever might be offered.

      If you are phoning in, you should consider recording the call. If using chat/Whatsapp keep a copy of the exchange. There have been quite a few topics on here recently about deals the customer thought they were getting not turning in reality (particularly with regard to the make up of TV packages).

      You are obviously aware that it is an OFCOM requirement to send you the notification letter at least 10 days before your end of minimum term. You may wish to advise OFCOM this has not happened.

      OFCOM launched an investigation into VM on 13 July 2023 specifically into VM's cancellation and complaints processes. I would suggest the notification letter is a relevant factor in any decision to cancel or not.

      Case ref. no. and an email at the bottom of the above page or submit with same info via the contact form

      Submitting information won't help your individual complaint but it will contribute to the OFCOM investigation and it sounds like your experience is directly relevant to the terms of reference of the investigation.

  • Thanks for the info.

    You say to ring them up. How can I get to speak to a live person I have so far only been dealing with recordings or robots etc?  Which number are you refering to ?

  • Hi goslow,

    Thanks for the helpful info. I will see what I can achieve tomorrow and update here. 



  • Good morning, Still no end of contract notification received. Checked my account this morning and they are stating that my contract has ended and next payment is £54 (increase from £30). My contract does not end until tomorrow midnight  so how have they ended it today? I have tried to access more details online but they are saying that they are catching up and to try again later. What is going on? 

    Please advise. Thanks,





    • Daniel_Et's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi roger121, thank you for your post.

      We're sorry to hear you still haven't received your end-of-contract notification 😔

      Given the problems you've been having when trying to contact us over the phone, have you tried seeking support on this matter via WhatsApp?


      • roger121's avatar
        Tuning in

        Thanks. No I haven't tried Whatsapp. What are the contact details please. Thanks



  • OK, thanks your comment. I find this whole situation unbelievable. My contract doesn't end until tomorrow midnight and according to my current contract if I don't sign up to a new contract I will go onto a rolling 30 day situation - is that correct? I cannot get any proper information from anywhere. 



    • Daniel_Et's avatar
      Forum Team

      Hi roger121, thank you for your response. 

      What you've stated is correct. 

      The WhatsApp support team can be reached on +447305 327 112. Please let us know how you get on.
