Forum Discussion

Pricivius's avatar
Joining in
2 months ago

Customer Service Confusion

I am having a nightmare trying to reduce my plan and it's spiralling out of all control.  I used the chat system and was trying to understand my options but the assistant kept using the Mixit/Maxit terms and I could not equate those to what I was reading on the website.  I was getting more and more confused as to what he was talking about.  He then said that we had been chatting for too long.  I asked him what he meant and he said that 47 minutes was too long and I needed to look on the website and he terminated the chat.

I then tried to speak to another chat assistant.  He was silent for minutes on end, but then when I had to answer a call and was silent for a few minutes, he terminated the chat.

I telephoned the next day as the Chat system was simply not helping.  The assistant noted by complaint and I asked for two questions to be answered - 1. Is there a chat time limit that I had exceeded? and 2. Should the assistant be referring to the old terminology?  I was told that a manager would call me back within 5 to 7 business working days.  I asked for them to call me on a new number as I struggle to answer the number on my account during the day.  The next day, they called me on the wrong number and I could not speak.  I called them back later that day and asked why they used the wrong number.  They said they would call me back on the right number within 30 minutes.  They did not call me back, so I rang them again a few hours later and I was told I would get a call back the next day as they cannot make more than one call per day, even if they have made it to the wrong number.

The next day, they did not call back, so I called again today and asked why they did not call.  I was then told that they could not call the correct number unless it was registered on my account.  None of the three previous assistants had told me this.  I told this assistant that I did not want my number adding to my account, but she added it!  She said that both numbers were now on the account.  I asked her to remove the correct number as it should not be attached to the account.  She kept saying that they could not call me if the number was not added to the account and I kept asking her to remove the number from the account.  She then said she could not do that as she could not leave the account without a number, which was confusing as she said both numbers were on the account.  She then said that she had removed the original number from the account, so had lied to me about both numbers being on the account as she no longer had the original number.  So now there is no number on the account and I am confused, frustrated and angry.

There is an outstanding complaint, but I cannot raise any of the other complaints above until they have dealt with the first complaint as apparently there is a "one complaint open at a time" rule.  Any ideas where we go from here?  

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Pricivius wrote:

    ... the assistant kept using the Mixit/Maxit terms and I could not equate those to what I was reading on the website...

    Mixit & Maxit are VM's 2 TV tiers. Mixit is the base-tier, broadly equivalent to Freeview. Maxit is the top-tier. The link below has a chart at the bottom, which displays the channels in each tier. 

    Strictly speaking, Mega is the currently sold equivalent ot Maxit. But the only difference is the removal of TNT Sports from Maxit, and the chart allows for that.

  • Hi Pricivius

    Thank you for your post, welcome to the Community Forums.

    I'm very sorry to hear about the poor experience you've had when discussing your contract with our team. I'd really like to help and take over the complaint. 

    To clarify, we now offer two base TV packages (Mixit and Mega TV). Mega TV was rebranded from Maxit TV.  As japitts has correctly explained, Maxit used to include TNT Sports, however following its rebrand, TNT Sports was removed whilst everything else remained the same.

    I've popped over a private message so I can take your account details and assist further.


  • Thanks for the replies but you've lost me.  All I can see is bundles - bigger bundle and big combo etc.  I cannot see anything called mixit or maxit?

    • Roger_Gooner's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      VM sells bundles of its products. As an example in August 2023 I signed up for the Ultimate Volt bundle which includes Maxit TV, Netflix Standard, 360 and 360 mini, M600 broadband and phone.

  • Okay... can someone link me to somewhere that says mixit or maxit as I just cannot find it?  Thank you!

    • Cardiffman282's avatar
      Trouble shooter

      Have a look at the page linked to earlier in the thread by japitts. 

  • Thanks, folks.  I have looked at the link and seen the references - if only the customer service rep had been as helpful.  I have been in contact with Beth since I posted this and we are still not further to answering my questions, let alone working our way through the other 7 complaints that are backed up behind the first one.  There also now appears to be a data protection breach as well, but waiting to find out as that is complaint number 8 and we are a long way off that one.

  • Still no joy.  It's amazing how long it is taking to not get this sorted out. I have now been passed to Beth's manager but not getting anywhere.

  • And still nothing.  No one seems able to call me back on the right number. We are now beyond the 8 weeks so I have been invited to report this to the Ombudsman.


    • goslow's avatar
      Alessandro Volta

      After 2 months, 8 complaints and contact with the VM forum team it is certainly taking a long time to come to a conclusion. 

      In post #1 you said you wanted to reduce your package but you don't seem to have stated what you want to reduce to in terms of services/price range (e.g. broadband, landline, TV etc.) nor what your present package/price is.

      If you outline what your future requirements are then you might get some suggestions from contributors on here. I have never used VM TV or mobile but others on here know about those services and may be able to make suggestions.

      VM rarely makes it easy to downgrade and reduce services and VM's pricing model is based on taking out bundles of services (for a bigger package discount).