Forum Discussion

Mnkhan2538's avatar
Joining in
5 months ago

Credit file amendment



I April 2017 I was Subject of an individual voluntary arrangement (IVA) I had a previous personal loan with Clydesdale Bank. The IVA was resolved in December 2022. However my credit file still shows the unsettled debt. This needs to be removed as it should have only been on my file for a maximum of 6 years from commencement of IVA. This means it should have cleared latest by April 2024. 


I can provide my credit report and also notice of IVA completion. 



Kind regards


Mohammed Nowshad Khan

  • japitts's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    This doesn't sound like a VM-specific issue, and you should probably contact the 3 leading credit reference agencies to have your details updated

    Equifax, Experian & TransUnion


  • Hello Mnkhan2538,

    Welcome to the community and thanks for taking the time to post here on the forums. I'm sorry but this forum is for Virgin Media customers, to have this looked into, you would need to speak to Clydesdale bank or Virgin Money, we cannot help any further from here. 

    Kind Regards,
