Forum Discussion

KLAWLESSS164's avatar
Joining in
11 months ago

Contract Renewal

First time poster . Been trying to renew my contract since 10/3/24 , agreed contract with agent for upgrade to gig1 broadband and an upgrade to my tv package including replacing all my existing boxes ( 3 in total ) . When I read pre contract e-mail it was not what we had agreed . Got in touch again and agreed same contract again , agreed delivery date for new kit ,low and behold only hub arrived . Back on phone again , different agent says have to go through the renewal process again . Same contract  agreed again but this time an engineer would have to install everything . Contracts arrive different again leading to another phone call . This is now 16/3/24 and I have just got off the phone after another 3 hour call only to be told my package cannot be installed together . Hub first followed by tv boxes at a later date. Reluctantly agreed to go ahead , more just to see what happens next . Still the same package that I wanted a week ago . In total I have received 11 (ELEVEN) contracts all with different costs for the same package . Really stressed out don't need the hassle as my wife is recovering from cancer treatment and was hoping that this would be easy boy have I been wrong . Should be getting the new hub 22/3/24 then I've to wait on a call to arrange the replacement boxes . If anyone from the Virgin Media team reads this I would be grateful if they would get in touch with me . 



  • Hi there KLAWLESSS164 

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the community forums, it's great to have you here. 

    I am so sorry that you have had this experience with the team and thank you again for your post. Can I confirm if the correct package has now been agreed with the new Hub being delivered? 

    • KLAWLESSS164's avatar
      Joining in

      Hi Ashleigh 

      Half of the package has been agreed the new Hub is being delivered on Friday 22/3/24 by courier with self install and not by engineer which I was told was required and was one of the reasons that my package could not be completed on the same day . Regarding the tv side I'm supposed to receive a call about this on 23/3/24 but I fear the worst , supposed to have my 3 tv boxes replaced by new boxes , but every time I ask for confirmation of this all I get in response is hesitation then a nervous yes . Also the price has increased again with no explanation . So still not happy .


      • Ilyas_Y's avatar
        Forum Team

        Thanks for the reply KLAWLESSS164 👋🏼

        I'm so sorry to hear about the hiccup caused with this package change. 😥
        It really should be a smooth and easy transition. 

        I will assist you on the matter and get this sorted for you.
        I will send a private message.

        Kind regards,

  • Firstly, and most importantly, my best wishes for your wife’s recovery.

    And yes, you are right, you really could do without the extra hassle now, but let me ask you, are you now (or soon  will be) outside of your minimum 18 month term of your existing contract, is that why you are trying to renew? If the answer is yes, then would I would strongly suggest is that you expertise your rights to cancel any and all changes to your existing account. Yes this will, almost certainly, result in a big increase in your monthly bill, but being ‘out of contract’ gives you a massive advantage in negotiations with VM. Firstly though you need to sit down and think about what sort of provision you want, then investigate alternative suppliers, what can they offer, what would it cost, what time frames do they offer for installation?

    Armed with this, along with a determination to cancel VM entirely and move on if necessary, you are now in a vastly superior negotiating position - it would seem that you have been massively messed about by VM, maybe it is time to turn the tables, no?