contract renewal blues
Sorry in advance for this long ramble.
Ive just spent a very frustrating hour on the phone to VM to try and renew my contract,
I've had several emails over past weeks saying recontract now and I would get an exclusive deal, with links. The 18 mth contract runs out end of Nov so wasn't in great rush, but I followed link and it took me to page which listed my services and where it is £81 currently, the renewal offer was £86. When I renewed 18 moth ago there was a promotional offer and a discount totalling £36 so this offer of £86 appeared to continue this discount and didn't seem unreasonable although it conflicted with a statement on the bill which said cost would go up to £111 in Dec 24.
Today I logged onto My-VM, looking to upgrade to volt package. The basket showed my current services as £81, but that it would increase to £111 in December in addition to the extra costs of the O2 sim etc on the volt package.
I rang VM to query this and was told yes, the discount has ended, the cost to renew current package is £111. I said I was happy to renew at around the old price but a near 50% increase seems very unreasonable, Eventually I was transferred to someone in retentions, who said that he was as high as it was possible to go and after a fairly long discussion he offered a renewal of £91, for my existing service..saying that the package was actually "worth" over £140 I pointed out that the emails I received had offered an exclusive deal and that all he was offering was the standard web offering. I indicated that I could get much faster broadband, all the same TV plus a better phone service from Sky for less than £80 but he adamant that he was offering the best deal.
What has made me come and ramble on this forum is that, looking on the main VM website just now, there is a deal for a "Mega Volt Bundle", which includes the tv package I currently have, plus an unlimited O2 sim, plus a free Xbox, plus an anytime phone package (I only have Evening & weekend) and the cost of this is just £84.99. It doesnt say new customers only but if you currently have a VM service the link just leads you to My-VM, and the package isnt there. To replicate this package, including the value of the xbox would cost me and EXTRA £43/mth. so as a VM customer of 15yrs, I am going to be charged far far more than a new customer which I feel is pretty unfair & disgraceful.