Forum Discussion

Jett0rz's avatar
Tuning in
10 months ago

Change of account holder during the contract dance

Hi folks,

Been with Virgin Media since about 2012, and unlike most it seems - touch wood - I've barely had any issues.

Every 12-18 months, I phone up, we do the old 'will he cancel, won't he cancel, here's a deal' mating dance - and everyone goes away happy.

However in this instance, there's a slight spanner in the works. My wife and I are in the process of separating, I'm moving out, so we're trying to unpick things as easily as possible.

Our old contract ran out 11th April. Usually, I'm there on the ball 30 days prior ready to give the old heave-ho as per usual. However this time, I've held on a bit due to the uncertainty of the current situation. I'm still living here until a suitable property pops up.

However in them two months, the bill for our M500 Broadband only has gone from £36.40... to £41.80... to £75.07!

Whilst I'm trying to be as flexible as possible here, I'm not paying out over double for the same service, whether it's another month or 5 (ideally less given the situation, but still).

I'd hoped by this point YouFibre would be on our street (they have been two streets over for the last year) or wherever I move - and it would be a fairly straightforward 'thanks and goodbye' - and it might be, depending on where I move - however my wife and daughter will require broadband here after I leave and they'd prefer the continuity. 

After speaking to initially from the disconnections/retentions team this morning - I tried explaining my situation as clearly as possible. Got spun with the 'best offer' and 'best I can do' offers (£50 and £41 respectively), I asked to cancel. I also asked about whether there's going to be any issues with having my wife join VirginMedia once my account is disconnected. Or about transferring accounts - because in my mind it was not feasible (my mother had this issue a few years ago).

Either way, I was told she'd have to wait the 30 days waiting period 'plus notice' (?) - so she'd be without internet for a month. At one point 3 months was even mentioned. Not ideal, as we both work from home a few days a week. So I asked to cancel anyway. I'd always be able to sort something out later I thought - and just get that notice in ASAP. So I asked to transfer to the cancellations/retentions team, as apparently it wasn't actually this chap.

Instead, I got put to the Moving team... oh.

Anyway, the lady I spoke to was very helpful - however, her information conflicts the first person I spoke to. Apparently yes, I can indeed transfer my account to my wife - and even have her given introductory offers (that were much, much more appealing that if it wasn't for this situation, I'd have re-contracted on the spot). With a new contract, details in her name, no break of service, won't need to send kit back. Great.
The other option was for one of us to 'refer' the other and get £50 each - not sure how that one worked exactly as it didn't seem to skirt the 30 day thing.

Anyway. I've gone on a bit here - so my questions for the fine community folk are these:

  • Can you indeed change the name on a Virgin Media account given the proviso that the current user isn't under a minimum contract and they will be changing addresses due to change of circumstances?
  • Should the above be correct, would I have any issues getting Virgin Media at a new property when I do move? (Grace periods etc?)
  • And is it actually feasible that during this contract handover, there'll be no break of service and that my wife will indeed be eligible for the 'new customer' offers?

I didn't make any decision on the call as of course I'd need my wife there to make sure she's happy and provide her details etc - but I'm hoping to iron this out this evening and call back tomorrow to get things nailed down for them.

Shout out to "G" or "Gee" on the Movers team that I spoke to, very helpful and patient.

Many thanks for your time 😊

  • goslow's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    AIUI, VM will only transfer an account to another person in the case of a bereavement

    Once you have put in your cancellation you should get a disconnection date on the existing account. I can't see why your wife could not then start a new service, with new equipment, in her own name immediately after that.

    Closing down the existing account would cancel any VM (or earlier company) email addresses associated with the account (after 90 days) if that is relevant/important to you.

  • newapollo's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    You need to be aware that if you currrently have a VM landline then you will lose your VM phone number when cancelling.

    Also in the unlikely event that there are capacity problems in your area then VM may not be taking on any new connections, or they may be unable to supply speeds above M350.

    New equipment will be supplied so that will be a main 360 box and if a second TV box is needed it will be a 360 mini box which doesn't have a hard drive. (Tivo and V6 boxes are no longer supplied to new customers)

    The packages changed last September and the Ultimate Oomph and Ultimate Volt packages have now been discontinued and been replaced by the Mega Volt bundle. TNT Sports has been removed from all packages and is only available as a standalone premium extra for all new customers and anyone recontracting or changing package.