Forum Discussion

themoodybear's avatar
Just joined
10 months ago

anyway to talk to a human!

I signed up for Virgin as I had heard great things about the speed. 

Firstly when I signed up, a stream box was automatically added to my bill. I did not want this. I tired to look for a tick box to get rid of it but there was nothing. The Stream Box was never part of the promotion advert. I JUST wanted to 1Gig speed as I have smart TV and gaming Systems (which makes a Stream box completely unecessary) 

So Once I go through with my order I get to the bill, and there is the "one off charge" for the Stream box I don't want. I attempted ringing but could not get anywhere becasue I didn't have an active account yet. No sale rep no customer service rep. NOTHING of that ilk was offered. 

So I raised a ticket to discuss my account and somehow get the stream box taken off, having literally just joined and very much within a 30 day cancellation period. 

Next I get a reply to my complaint that I need to ring customer services. HOW? HOW CAN I DO THIS? 
Now my account is active, the custmer service number just tells me I need to pay. Even to a point now they have not enabled my service until i do pay for the whole package including the Stream Box I neither need or wanted. 

My reply email to them was asking for a customer service rep to send me an eamil or a phone call to discuss my account with them. 
After that hassle I thought I'd look at cancelling my service with them, but there is NO WAY in my account to cancel the service or to contact the retentions team. 
This is ridiculous. Chat bots, and automated systems that have a determined path are an abyssmal sense of customer service. 

Let's see if VIrgin Reply now. 

  • Hello themoodybear.

    Thanks for your first post and welcome to our community.

    We are very sorry to hear about the unwanted stream box and charges that come with this.

    As a rule we tend to not be able to help with package changes on the community.

    However it sounds like you have had a torrid time trying to get this resolved.

    The last thing we would want to do is ask you to call again.

    So we can take a look at this. We do need to pass security by a private message.

    If you can check the envelope top right of your screen that would be great. 