4 months agoTuning in
My website is not loading on Virgin Media network
Hi my website www.elegancesalons.co.uk is not loading on Virgin Media network. It loads on other networks. It shows like this
Hmmm… can't reach this page
It looks like the webpage at https://www.elegancesalons.co.uk/ might be having issues, or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.
Our clients have been complaining about this. Please help me fix the issue.
Our site was falsely blacklisted for some security which is now fixed and is all ok. I have also changed my old site by rebuilding it completely on Wix. Old site was hosted on GoDaddy. Now on Wix with the same domain.
Our clients have been complaining about this. Please help me fix the issue.
Our site was falsely blacklisted for some security which is now fixed and is all ok. I have also changed my old site by rebuilding it completely on Wix. Old site was hosted on GoDaddy. Now on Wix with the same domain.