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V6 box constantly dropping out. connected by ethernet cable

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Our v6 box keeps dropping out for a few seconds at a time. Sometimes this happens repeatedly in a short period. It is connected via ethernet cable. It can go a week or more sometimes without doing it but at other times it drops out constantly. It will always drop out if the hub has to be rebooted.  Any help appreciated.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

What do you mean by "dropping out"?

Are you describing the picture/sound momentarily dropping? In which case - does this happen on live TV? Recordings? OnDemand? Streaming?

Or are you describing the V6 restarting of its own accord? That's likely a fault.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @bluedragon91,

Thank you for your post and welcome back to our community forums. We're here to help.

I'm sorry to hear that you're unhappy with how your V6 box is operating recently. I've checked over things on our systems and I'm unable to detect any faults currently that would explain this. Are things any better for you today?


Zach - Forum Team
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Hi Zach, unfortunately the v6 box is still dropping out. It was doing it quite badly this morning but the hub was dropping out too. It seems like signal interference of some sort as it can be fine for a while then start dropping out again

Hi, the picture and sounds goes of for a second or two and then comes back on. This can happen repeatedly at a rapid rate then it settles for a while. The box doesn't go through a restart/reboot it doesn't get time to. It's split second. It happens on live TV, recordings, on demand and streaming.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Have you ruled out the HDMI lead & TV port, by trying alternates?

That's the main common factor if multiple video sources are affected.

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I have tried the other sources like the ps4, firestick and free view sources they're all ok. I have also tried swapping the hdmi cables nothing seems to work. What I don't understand is that it can be OK for a few weeks, then it starts again. It's only the v6 source that we have a problem with. Even if cables and ports are swapped. When I said it still does it when watching on demand, streaming and recordings I meant all through the v6 box.

Sorry to hear this is still happening , let me send you a DM so we can take a further look.

Pleas keep an eye out for my message 🙂 

Matt - Forum Team

New around here?

Thank you for letting me know.

I will send you a DM now so we can take a look into fixing this for you.

Matt - Forum Team

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