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V6 connection issues: Can I request a TV360 box?

Tuning in

Apologies if this is a dupe. I have tried to search but no luck. I am asking here to hopefully avoid a long drawn-out chat on the phone. I am in the process of upgrading from V6 box to the TV360 service. I am due to retain the V6 and get a software upgrade to TV360. However, I continue to experience the network connection software failures and issues as experienced by lots of other people (already twice today). My question is, can I request that I be sent a (new) TV360 box instead of keeping hardware that is affected by the ongoing bug? My instinct is telling me that I will continue to have network problems despite having installed a new "operating system". Any help or advice would be most appreciated.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

What are the network connection issues you're having? Any in-home connectivity issues will be a problem regardless of whether you use TV360 or TiVo/V6.

An analogy would be that your in-home wireless is poor in a particular location, and you look to convert your laptop from Windows 10 > Windows 11. The issue will still be there.

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Super solver

And as the 360 won't play back recordings without an internet connection, you may find it more problematic than the V6 if you are having network issues.

Tuning in

Thank you both for the replies. I realise now I wasn't clear enough regarding my enquiry. I'll attempt to clarify my backstory:

For a few months now my V6 has intermittently fallen off the network. The box resets itself and I have to go through the process of reconnecting to the network via the on-screen settings. Sometimes this is fixed immediately, otherwise it can up to 10-15 minutes to connect - definitely not ideal. Sometimes it states that the box has not connected to the network for over a month (as shown by a rogue date of 16 February on the network connection screen).

And when the tv service finally reloads there could be a C310 error showing (unable to connect via wireless) or C233 (an issue with broadband settings).

I also have an issue with any streaming services and on demand services in the My Shows list, saying that they are temporarily unavailable - they usually start working again after 2-3 days (also not ideal). The R symbols (for single recordings and series links) have also disappeared from the programme guide.

I put up with this for a few months until five days ago when the box rebooted itself three times within an hour. I then called out an engineer. He explained that all the issues I was experiencing was as a result of a known problem for V6 boxes, currently affecting "lots of customers" - his words - which has been under investigation since December. (He said that there is another problem connected to this being that on the programme guide all shows have been replaced with "To be announced"). But no-one is yet able to identify the cause. So his advice is to (unfortunately) live with it until it is fixed.

I have since decided to upgrade to the TV360 service and my enquiry was to find out, as I am going to be upgrading my V6 box clearly affected by this wider unresolved issue, whether I could request a TV360 box instead.

UPDATE - I called the help desk and asked the same. The lady told me that I should go ahead with the Quickstart software upgrade and if I continue to receive the network errors, to call them and they'll send out a replacement TV360 box. Doesn't seem ideal but it's hopefully better than living with it until it's fixed.

If anyone reading this is affected by this awful state of affairs, my heart goes out to you. If you're not then thank your lucky stars

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

There's a few bits in here, and as a one-line takeaway - if you have an in-home connectivity issue, as I suspect you do, then whether you have a V6 (running TiVo software) or a TV360 (running Horizon software) shouldn't make any difference. All that I'd expect to alter is how the software handles the poor connectivity.

@andy2639 wrote:

Thank you both for the replies. I realise now I wasn't clear enough regarding my enquiry. I'll attempt to clarify my backstory:

For a few months now my V6 has intermittently fallen off the network. The box resets itself and I have to go through the process of reconnecting to the network via the on-screen settings.

I'm assuming from this, you mean the V6's internet connection is being lost - that would certainly cause all the onward symptoms you describe. And the comment about this affecting "lots of customers" can safely be disregarded.

First thing - how is your box connected to your home-hub, for it's this that provides the onward connection. I would assume it's wireless - in which case what's the signal strength? Check in the top-right of the network connections screen.

Jumping a few steps ahead, are you using one of the VM freebie hubs as your router, and if so, do you have one single SSID covering both the 2.4Ghz & 5Ghz bands?

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Tuning in

Please accept my apologies for not having responded sooner. As it turns out the upgrade to 360 has happened a lot quicker than I anticipated, and I'm now up and running with (so far) no problems as I was experiencing before. Thanks to @japitts for your help though although I'm sorry we didn't much further.

Hi andy2639,

Thank you for reaching back out and for the update, glad to hear you issue has gone since you were upgraded to our 360 box, if you have any further issues, please do not hesitate to reach back out.

