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Red Arrow Lights Flashing

On our wavelength

The above lights on our 2 360 boxes are continually flashing,  The ethernet connections are taken by our netgear equipment.  Our V6 box is connected directly to the router.

What can I do to have these lights on constant?


On our wavelength

In addition, I've tried to connect to Amazon Prime ready for Wednesday's football, and I get the A01 error code.



Just for general information you can't have a V6 with 360 boxes because they use different software.

You could have a V6 box that has been converted to a 360 box with a software download, would I be correct in thinking that is what you have with possibly 2 360 mini boxes.

Has this set up ever worked using your Netgear equipment without the lights flashing or has it only just started.

If your Virgin hub is in modem mode you might need to set it back to router mode and see if that helps and then start fault finding when you switch back.


On our wavelength

The netgear allows us to watch recordings between the boxes.  We don't want to upgrade the V6 to 360 as we don't want to lose the recordings.


So do you also have 2 360 mini boxes or something else.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@sixfoottwo wrote:

We don't want to upgrade the V6 to 360 as we don't want to lose the recordings.

It's a conversion not an upgrade, but that's another story....that's fine, but you've posted in the TV360 section of this forum, and referred in your first to "2 360 boxes".

Are you now saying you have 2 x V6 boxes? 

In addition, you've mentioned Ethernet connections being taken but your "V6 is connected directly to the router". How? Wireless or Ethernet?

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I have 2 x TV360 boxes connected with the netgear, plus 1 V6 which has an ethernet connection to the router.  The router also has a netgear ethernet connection.  The netgear works well most of the time so we can watch one programme recorded on another box in any room.

The TV360 boxes won't connect to Amazon Prime via the red button.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You cannot have TiVo or V6 on the same account as TV360, in any combination.

You either have all TiVo/V6 or all TV360, not both.

The boxes run totally different software and cannot co-exist. Some of the advice also depends which software yours are running.

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On our wavelength

So how do I stop the arrows from flashing red?  Pretty sure it's not always been like that.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

The arrows tend to indicate a loss of internet connectivity, but some advice on resolving depends whether you have TV360 (with Horizon software) or V6 (with TiVo software)

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