9 months agoJoining in
Handset Loan
Hi, I want to pay off my existing mobile phone loan balance. I don't know my account login details or who to contact about it since being transferred to O2.
Hi, I want to pay off my existing mobile phone loan balance. I don't know my account login details or who to contact about it since being transferred to O2.
Welcome to the community forums
Your log in details and password will have come from the email address with the subject lines: 'IMPORTANT – Your new credit agreement from Virgin Media' and 'IMPORTANT – Your password from Virgin Media'. Check your email inboxes, including spam/junk folder so see if it's still there for you.
If you find the info then you can log in here This portal is read only, so if you wanted to make any amendments or payments, you'll need to contact the team on 0345 602 4420 and they'll be able to assist you further.
Hi I really need help urgently, I have a device loan with you, and my direct debit failed on the 29th of July. I am calling since three days o2 and virgin but no one is able to help me ? They send me back and forth nor they cannot find me on the system, any help would be appreciated ? I have access to my credit agreement
This link is brilliant and although I wasn’t the OP, it has finally helped me track down 2 x contracts that both VM and 02 were saying they couldn’t find, yet someone was still taking the DD.
wanted end of contract info, which I now have, so much appreciated.