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Tivo box won't start up

On our wavelength


I just tried to start up my Tivo and it won't start up - it is stuck on this combination of lights which it keeps looping on.

Any ideas please? The TV won't recognise the HDMI signal either.

 vm tivo 1.pngvm tivo 2.pngvm tivo 3.png


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Out of interest, why was the box powered down and thus needing powering-up?

TiVo's are being actively retired, so you should report your "box won't boot up" fault to VM, who should arrange a tech visit with a view to replacing it with a V6. These run the same familiar TiVo-software but on a much newer box that's far quicker with more recording tuners and streaming apps.

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On our wavelength

Hi - I moved the box from one bedroom to another as I have cabling in both rooms. Just for additional info, the remote has no impact on the box

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Does the box boot up if you put it back in the original location?  I'm wondering if the cable in the new location is actually linked up.

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On our wavelength

No it’s not working in either location. It has previously been fine in both

On our wavelength

Is there a specfic 'box won't boot up' link - I can't see one either on VM website or app. I don't the time to call CS at the moment.

Check for local faults on 0800 561 0061 (automatic). 

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

It's definately the box that is faulty - we have a V6 as our main box and that is working fine...

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@andyads74 wrote:

Is there a specfic 'box won't boot up' link - I don't the time to call CS at the moment.

The primary fault reporting channel is by phone, although quite often you can run a "test my equipment" self-check when you're logged into your "my VM" online account.

Otherwise, VM staff do respond on these boards if you a) Don't mind waiting a couple of days, and b) Leave this forum topic dormant - they work from oldest-first.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Just be aware, if the Tivo is faulty, VM may "encourage" you to move to the 360 platform.  You can get a replacement V6 as a swap for the Tivo however.  If you go to the 360 platform, there is no turning back.  So be very aware of the differences between the two solutions, it's a very "Marmite" thing .....

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