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Hi how to remove unused devices

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Hi how to remove unused devices 


Forum Team
Forum Team

Hey Golly85, thank you for reaching out and a warm welcome to the community.

Do you mean remove devices from your WIFI, you can do this by going into the settings of the hub via the bottom

Also there is the Connect app or you can simply click forget device in the settings of the device. Cheers 

Matt - Forum Team

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on the Connect app I can only see the choice to either pause or resume. There are approx 8 unused devices (currently paused) that I wish to delete, as it’s affecting the number of other devices I can pause. I have looked in settings in app and I cannot see how to remove them. I have also tried to sign in via bottom of hub but this is not secure and also not straightforward to navigate. Help pls! Thank you 

Hello JoJoe


Thanks for posting in regards to the Connect App and removing devices, we appreciate you taking the time to raise this via the forums and welcome to the community.


Via the Connect App in 'My Devices' it should list all of the devices registered, from there you have the option to pause or alternatively disconnect. Disconnecting will remove the devices for you.