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Being forced to pay for the service or not being able to order

Joining in

I used the whatsapp chat and they say that it'll cost me £15 a month, they're adamant it's paid even though it says it's free in the T&Cs on the stream page. 

Try to phone up sales but they spent 40 minutes trying to force me into getting an expensive tv bundle that I can't even have installed. They think it's all wireless... Won't take no for an answer and won't answer any questions I have on the stream box. 

I only have broadband, so I should be eligible according to the T&Cs.

How has anyone managed to add it? It's a Krypton factor esque challenge


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Hi @ScottC95 

It should only be £15 a month extra if you add the Essential Entertainment subscription (which carries additional channels not available in the free channel list) to the Stream box

The following non VM page shows which channels are available for free and also those available via the essential Entertainment subscription on the Stream box.



I don't work for Virgin Media.
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The Service you do for others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth - Muhammad Ali

Settling in

Just had the same issue.

Spoke to them on Whatsapp and then two levels of customer service over the phone. Firstly they tried relentlessly to upsell us the normal TV package. When they accepted defeat on that they then said that yes the Stream box was free (as per the T&Cs) but that our broadband package would need to increase in price from £25 a month to £50 a month as they needed to 'rebundle' - so the stream box wasn't free, it was an additional £25 per month.

Finally got through to the third level who agreed that it should be free to add on the stream box and that we would not lose the existing discount on our package. However, because we were on an 'old' deal (despite renewing less than one month ago), the base price of the broadband had been increased so the package would still go up to £31 per month. So again, not free but an increase of £6 per month.

We met all the eligibility criteria and the T&Cs explicitly say the stream box is at no additional charge per month, just the one-off £35 activation fee and then the service (TNT Sports, Sky sports, etc) that you chose to add on 30-day rolling contracts. 

This is frankly false advertising and I reported them to the ASA.

Hi @PeterE2 thanks for your post although we're sorry to hear of the concerns you've raised here.

We can certainly take a look into this for you if you still wish to take Stream out, please let us know if you want our help and we'll be happy to try and intervene here 😊

Many thanks
