forced to pay over £500 to leave virgin
in july i am due to move to my sisters home as i have leg problems and i contacted virgin to say im moving and i cannot take my services with me due to the fact its my sisters home,she has sky and dont want virgin media.
after a few calls to virgin media they will not release me from my new contract,im a week past cool down,because if the area i move to has virgin media i am expected to take my services with me,which i cannot do,and round in circles we go,last bill could be aas much as £500 plus,which i cannot afford as i am on a pension.its hard to beleave that i have been a loyal customers for over 15 yearts and i cannot get virgin media to understand i am not allowed to take virgin media with me,even asked i could get a reduction on mylastbill,say half,but no virgin want there pound of i will move in july and run up a big bill,thanks virgin media for you not helping a good customer , i did all i could to reason with vvvirgin media but they just wont help me,they say they cannot help me and wont budge,thanks for nothing.
IMHO this is a suitable case for a discretionary approach given all of the circumstances.