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VM Speed upgrade not applied

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I recently upgraded my broadband to M500 for an extra £8 per month, I did this a week ago. Today i got an email saying that had all been done now and an updated contract was sent showing I am being charged for this as of today,

However upon checking I am now actually getting slower speeds (the speeds I had before I got a volt upgrade a few months ago) and I contact VM on chat and the person said wait 2 hours and reset the hub did all of this and no luck I am still getting the same speeds, considering I am being charged as of today thats really unacceptable and I am none the wiser as to when my speed change is happening. On my virgin media account it is still showing VM250 (with volt) anyone got any ideas what I can do? 


Accepted Solutions

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Check the conf settings on the Hub. It will show what speed has been provisioned.
It's Configuration tab - Primary Downstream Service Flow - Max Traffic Rate.

If it's not correct phone in again and complain.  Otherwise wait here a day or two for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss directly with you.

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Check the conf settings on the Hub. It will show what speed has been provisioned.
It's Configuration tab - Primary Downstream Service Flow - Max Traffic Rate.

If it's not correct phone in again and complain.  Otherwise wait here a day or two for a VM Mod to pick this up and discuss directly with you.

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

As Adduxi said... To see if its been applied... Log into the Hub settings and navigate to the "Configuration" data page.  What numbers are in the downstream and upstream "Max data transfer rate", boxes?

Post the numbers here... note they are in bps not Mbps


I do not work for VM. My services: HD TV on VIP (+ Sky Sports & Movies & TNT sport), x3 V6 boxes (1 wired, 2 on WiFi), Hub5 in modem mode with Apple Airport Extreme Router +2 Airport Express's & TP-Link Archer C64 WAP. On Volt 350Mbps, Talk Anytime Phone, x2 Mobile SIM only iPhones.