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Extremely slow speeds - Twitter sent me here

Tuning in

Dear all, 

I hope this post finds you well. In short, I am paying for 1GB but I have not been getting anywhere close to this speed for quite a long time. After speaking to VM on Twitter, they advised communicating here. 

In terms of devices, I currently have a Hub 4 set to modem mode and an Archer AC4000 (changing the Hub 4 back to router mode did not help). Only my PS5 and VM TV box is connected via ethernet; everything else is over wi-fi. 

A speed test which I ran via the PS5 stated I was receiving 253.7 mbps (download) and 8 mpbs (upload). 
I also ran a test today via VM's own website ( over Wi-Fi, which stated the following: Latency17.7 ms; Jitter7.22 ms; Download 18.0 Mbps; Upload 31.7 Mbps

Please may you kindly advise what other steps I should try, or what I haven't considered? Thank you very much in advance for your help! 



Accepted Solutions

Thanks for coming back to us JR_12345, the system is now showing an issue with your power levels, they are too high on all but one of your upstream channels this will need a technician visit booked in to resolve. I can arrange the appointment from here but would need to confirm a few details via a private message, that I will drop over in a moment. Please look out for the private message and we can get started.
Kind Regards,

See where this Helpful Answer was posted


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

You need to set Hub 4 back to router mode and run a wired speed test with a gigabit capable laptop or PC here.  Speed testing over Wifi or a console is not reliable.  Also note VM only guarantee Wifi for 30Mb.  VM will also insist your Hub is set to Router mode to allow them to test as well.

Run the FULL tests and post the results back here please.

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Hi Adduxi, my apologies. I forgot to mention I don't have any other devices with an ethernet cable, apart from my PS5. 

I will look to see if anyone I know has one and reply afterwards. However, if I can't find one, what would I do next?

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

Consoles are not reliable for speed tests, so that's unfortunate.  You will need to set the Hub back to Router mode as well, as VM insist on this when they do diagnostics.  You could try running the samknows test via the PS5. Connect with a known good Cat 6 cable and have the Hub in Router mode.  This is required because the samknow client software is imbedded in the VM Hub's firmware and only works in Router mode.

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Forum Team
Forum Team

Hi @JR_12345.

Thanks for getting back in touch with us. Could you please rung the diagnostics on your Virgin Media Hub in router mode and drop the results on here removing any sensitive data 👉


Trouble shooter

"After speaking to VM on Twitter, they advised communicating here."

That's a little bit odd. AFAIK the VM team that staffs VM Twitter is the same one that staffs VM Facebook which is the same one that staffs VM Trustpilot which is the same one that, well, staffs this community forum.

It must be the magic added ingredient of free customer support from fellow customers that is the difference. 🤷

Cancel VM here
Complain to VM
Demand compensation from VM here
Demand your call recordings here
Monitor the state of your VM connection here

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@Cardiffman282 wrote:

<snip> It must be the magic added ingredient of free customer support from fellow customers that is the difference. 🤷

I think it must be too 🙂

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more

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Tuning in

Hi Sabrina B, thank you for your reply. The link you sent me came with the following results: 
1. Latency - 10.8ms; 2. Jitter - 1.52ms; 3 Download - 22.1 Mbps; and 4. Upload - 43.3 Mbps. 

Is there a reason my download speed is nearly half that of my upload? Please note I have turned the VM Router back to router mode. 

Separately, my PS5 connection (via ethernet) seems to have tripled in speed, reaching over 800 mbps. Do you know if there is a reason why this has jumped massively, given my third-party router can handle that speed as well? I have also used the same cables as before.


Thank you in advance for your help. 

Hi Cardiffman282 and Adduxi, VM's twitter response surprised me too. I copied it below FYI: 

I'm sorry to hear that , it may be useful for you to post on our community help forums here: If the community are unable to help resolve the issue, a member of the team will be along to help. ^AC



Alessandro Volta

@JR_12345 wrote:

After speaking to VM on Twitter, they advised communicating here. 

How dare they send you here! No no no back to Twitter this is advanced help here.😁

Setup a BQM

Broadband Quality Monitor | thinkbroadband

set wifi for 2.4GHz channel 13 and 5GHz channel 52

test speed here for 1x and 6x test

UK Broadband Speed Test | thinkbroadband

can also be done here under connections Multi and Single

Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test


Forum Team (Retired)
Forum Team (Retired)

Thanks for getting back to us on this JR_12345,

Are you able to post your findings on the advised tools above?

From there we can take a further look.

