Forum Discussion

Johnnyboy123's avatar
Tuning in
11 months ago

Daily Factory Reset of Hub Required

I've been suffering with indifferent performance for a while; it will be OK and then suddenly drop out. I'd found a temporary fix was to disconnect from the wifi from the hub, then reconnect and it seems to help for a while. The issue, when it happens, seems to be a really low upload speed resulting in a loss of connection with the websites I'm using.

I decided to check the service status yesterday, went through My Account, and it said my hub needed a factory reset. It tried to do it remotely, but then directed me to do it manually with a pen into the back of the hub. This worked wonders and all was good, but then today the same issues. This time it was remotely reset, but surely I shouldn't have to do this every day? Is there a problem with the hub?

  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Possibly a hub problem, but mostly this type of problem is due to a circuit problem. Please post some stats, details follow:

    How to get stats from a VM hub (no need to logon to the hub)

    Open a web browser and go to router mode or modem mode

    • Click on the “> Check router status” button
    • Click on the “Downstream” tab, copy the text and paste into your reply, do not take a screen shot
    • Click on the “Upstream” tab, copy the text and paste into your reply
    • Click on the “Networking” tab, copy the text and paste into your reply.
      • Do NOT post photos or screen shots they will be rejected as they contain MAC addresses. The board software will automatically change MAC addresses to **:** if done as above.
    • Johnnyboy123's avatar
      Tuning in

      Many thanks for replying.


      I've done as you suggested but it won't let me proceed without logging in (I get a select language page, then a password page that I can't get past). Obviously I can get the password off the hub, but as you said I don't need to logon, have I done something wrong?

      • Tudor's avatar
        Very Insightful Person

        Two lines below the "Password" box should be "> Check router status", click on this. If the screen if different please post a photo/screen shot of it.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    Login with the password of the Hub 3.
    Perhaps it needs to complete some setup following the factory reset.

    The connection info once logged in to the Hub 3 menu is also available at :

    Advanced Settings >>> Tools >>> Network status

    • Johnnyboy123's avatar
      Tuning in

      I logged in using the number on the bottom of the hub, then there was a "reset password" page, then there was an option to "Go to Dashboard" or "Proceed to Dashboard". I clicked that and waited, clicked it again and waited, and so on. Nothing happened. Eventually I tried to refresh the page, but then I got a messgae similar to when there is no broadband "Unable to connect" with a "try again" button and "Problem loading page" in the tab.

    • Johnnyboy123's avatar
      Tuning in


      I lost internet completely and tried using getting help (which was useless, please Virgin allow an option to deal with a real person when you're stuck in a Virtual Assistant loop, it's beyond frustrating); eventually tried a hub reboot and at least I've got internet back.

      However, Firefox is now warning me that is not secure and is a "Potential Security Risk"

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    VM Hub 3 has an http interface, so every browser should spot that as being a not secure connection.
    We all have to just ignore the warning and carry on to use the menu.

  • After all what's happened, I tried again, and this time got the page Tudor mentioned originally, where I could "Check router status" without logging in.


    Downstream bonded channels

    Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) SNR (dB) Modulation Channel ID

    1139000000637256 qam1
    21470000006.537256 qam2
    31550000006.837256 qam3
    4163000000738256 qam4
    51710000007.337256 qam5
    61790000007.438256 qam6
    71870000007.438256 qam7
    81950000007.138256 qam8
    9203000000738256 qam9
    10211000000737256 qam10
    11219000000738256 qam11
    122270000006.938256 qam12
    132350000006.638256 qam13
    142430000006.338256 qam14
    152510000006.538256 qam15
    162590000006.537256 qam16
    17267000000737256 qam17
    182750000007.138256 qam18
    192830000007.938256 qam19
    202910000007.638256 qam20
    21299000000838256 qam21
    223070000007.538256 qam22
    233150000007.838256 qam23
    24323000000837256 qam24

    Downstream bonded channels

    Channel Locked Status RxMER (dB) Pre RS Errors Post RS Errors




  • Upstream bonded channels

    Channel Frequency (Hz) Power (dBmV) Symbol Rate (ksps) Modulation Channel ID

    14960000042.5512064 qam1
    23660000041.8512064 qam3
    33010000041.3512064 qam4
    44310000042512064 qam2
    52360000040.8512064 qam5

    Upstream bonded channels

    Channel Channel Type T1 Timeouts T2 Timeouts T3 Timeouts T4 Timeouts

  • Network Log

    Time Priority Description
    11/03/2024 12:44:10noticeLAN login Success;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    11/03/2024 06:05:4Warning!RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    10/03/2024 22:16:44Warning!LAN login FAILED : Incorrect Username / Password / ConnectionType;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    10/03/2024 16:44:9noticeUnit has been restored to factory defaults from a software issued command;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    07/03/2024 11:40:26criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    07/03/2024 10:33:44ErrorDHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    04/03/2024 04:42:30criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    03/03/2024 22:33:44ErrorDHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    01/03/2024 05:59:54criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    29/02/2024 10:33:44ErrorDHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    26/02/2024 00:24:3criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    25/02/2024 22:33:44ErrorDHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    23/02/2024 05:03:0criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    22/02/2024 10:33:44ErrorDHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    22/02/2024 10:00:31criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    22/02/2024 03:25:34Warning!RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    18/02/2024 23:19:33criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    18/02/2024 22:33:44ErrorDHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    17/02/2024 02:15:24criticalNo Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;
    16/02/2024 22:34:0Warning!

    RCS Partial Service;CM-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CMTS-MAC=**:**:**:**:**:**;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0;

  • legacy1's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    You will find your let down by the hub in router mode so use modem mode and get your own wifi router with 1Gb ports 

      • legacy1's avatar
        Alessandro Volta

        Bit of both

        If you want proof now you can put the hub in modem mode with a PC and see if its stable but then your problems are wifi so take it what you will.

  • Client62's avatar
    Alessandro Volta

    The posted Hub connection stats are fine.   The error log, it is just like ours full of noise.

    Now test the service speed to the VM Hub and see how your device performs.

    Once the test begins click on: Run full test to see all the stats.

    • Johnnyboy123's avatar
      Tuning in

      So is the only solution to buy a router and put the hub 3 into modem mode? Would moving the hub 3 closer to where I usually use my laptop improve matters?