Pin required for age restricted content?
I have the parental controls settings watershed to set to OFF, however it still asks for a pin when viewing age restricted content, eg UFC. There is seemingly no option to remove this behaviour.
I phoned the support, and they had no idea how to resolve it. I suggested a firmware update required.
This is kinda ridiculous. I’d like to envoke a pin to control access to certain apps in a shared household, however this means others cannot view what is deemed to be “age restricted content” without the PIN.
this is a systems flaw in my opinion. Sort it out Virgin, this service has been out for long enough to iron out such bugs.
Hi Mammoth_
The watershed pin is a mandatory OFCOM directive and affects Sky as well as Virgin, they can't transmit (or re-transmit) any programme or film rated higher than 12+ out of watershed hours without the viewing PIN being locked on.
It was introduced as part of an agreement that Sky got to broadcast higher rated films that would ordinarily have been behind a watershed during the day. It affects various channels such as Sky Cinema, Sky Documentaries and Sky Comedy. They all have mandatory PIN protection for shows they broadcast outside the watershed hours. This also applies to normal programs, movies, box sets etc.
On Demand also has PIN protection based on the watershed hours.
This also applies to some Startover programs, if you have missed the start you can watch live without a pin, but if you watch from the start you need a pin