Connection keeps dropping (Bad wall socket connection?)
Hello everyone.
I had a quick search but couldn't find something quite like the issue I've been having.
I've moved house about a month and a half ago, and for the last month or so I've been having issues with my connection. At first it seems like really bad packet loss, to the point I was restarting my router and even after it started I kept getting Access Denied under internet for quite some time. Eventually I started disconnecting the wall socket cable, and plugging it back in (on the wall socket, not the router), which was fixing it after a little while.
Today whilst I was in the middle of an online match, it went down again (cmd pinging google showed about 5 timeouts followed by one 300ms ping, followed by another few/many timeouts), which I then tried to unplug the wall socket cable and plug it back in. It fixed the issue in seconds. However, it keeps on happening.
Anyone know what could be causing this? I'll paste logs from the router as soon as it lets me login. Apparently "I'm already logged in and only one session is allowed" (I'm not).
Thanks in advance