Waiting for Installation Since February - I'm going to email the CEO
What's the record for being fobbed off by Virgin Media?
I've been promised installation for broadband since February 2024. I have been given more dates that I can recall all of which have passed without installation occurring. I am waiting on a third party contractor to provide the access point from the main road and have been assured by the UK install team on at least 6 separate occasions that the required permit has been successfully acquired from the council and the works will happen and it never has on each occasion.
I was told hat the third party in the NW has had their contract terminated and this is making the situation worse as they avoid doing any work.
I've had an auditor out 2 months ago who seemed to suggest it was fairly straightforward and couldn't understand the delays I've been experiencing.
I've been told it has been escalated multiple times but to no avail.
The last 3 times anyone from Virgin has called me it has cut off as soon as I pick up. I wonder why that is the case.
Anyone got any ideas as to how to progress this please?
I've now got the CEO's office email so I going to email there to see if that makes any difference but it's really poor.
Hi Blindside
I think the following linked thread holds the record.
You should be due a considerable sum in automatic compensation if you wait for either VM to complete the installation, or for VM to finally inform you that they are cancelling the install.
See /virginmedia.com/help/billing-and-payments/automatic-compensation