on 03-02-2024 15:27
I am not a Virgin customer at present (and am not currently applying for broadband etc.)
However I received two texts that I believe relate to a Virgin broadband order.
Text 1: Hi it’s Virgin Media. To review your pre-contract docs head here:
(Link to docs)
Then shortly after:
Text 2: Hi, before we install our services on (DATE) we need to do some external work at (ADDRESS). But first, you need to tell us about your property. Use this link and tap Chat To Us Now: virginmedia.com/boundary
I have taken out the date and address, but they are not mine in the texts (and I am also not a customer)
I am assuming this is someone incorrectly entering their mobile number for their account, and have entered mine by mistake.
Could I have some assistance in taking my phone number off this? (This has happened once before)
on 03-02-2024 17:17
Is it from a legitimate VM source? If not just "block" the sender's number
on 03-02-2024 17:40
Yep, definitely from a legit Virgin Media number. I can see texts above it from when I actually was a VM customer a few years ago, from the same sender.
on 07-02-2024 21:23
Bump, still have my phone number attached to someone elses Virgin account
on 12-02-2024 09:08
Hey jonald, thank you for reaching out and I am sorry to hear this.
What is the number that is texting you?
As mentioned above is it possible to block it?
Also what information is coming in this text?
Matt - Forum Team
New around here?