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New Hub needed!

Just joined

How do I go about getting a new Hub ordered?

It has completely shut down, no lights are coming on and I've spent 30 painful minutes on the phone to someone who has informed me that as there is currently an outage in the area there is nothing they can do. Completely missing the point/not understanding that the hub is broken and the outage has nothing to do with it.

Both my wife and I work from home, the kids are in the middle of exams. I need the internet up and running asap!

Any help would be appreciated.


Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

They are totally correct. If there is an area outage all technician’s appointments are cancelled until the area fault is corrected. A technician cannot diagnose your problem if the circuit is down. If you rely totally on the internet you should investigate having a back up connection, after all you have a residential connection not a business one. See below:

Check with Area faults on 0800 561 0061 If you have a VM landline 150 this goes down to post code level. You could also try the web page status, but this is not recommended as it only covers issues that affect a very large number of customers.

VM will not dispatch any technicians while an area fault exists.

If no area faults found:

The primary place to report faults or for service requests is Customer Services on 0345 454 1111/150 if you have a VM landline or wait two or three days for a VM staff member to get to your post.

There are 10 types of people: those who understand binary and those who don't and F people out of 10 who do not understand hexadecimal c1a2a285948293859940d9a49385a2

Forum Team
Forum Team

Thanks for reaching out to us @galleymore, and a very warm welcome to our Community Forums!

Sorry to hear of the issues experienced with the hub and the poor customer experience.

I understand that since your post you have been able to speak to our team, can you please provide us with an update?

