Forum Discussion

Vinny_UK's avatar
Tuning in
3 years ago

Fibre Installation Across Private Driveway

I've seen a couple of similar posts on the forum but as they revert to PM commu with VM staff the end result isn't always known. My issue.. I live at no.7, at the end of a small cul-de-sac road with...
  • nodrogd's avatar
    3 years ago

    What you likely have here is a cost issue. It has to be economically viable for VM to connect a single customer. The budget to connect a single property allows for digging about 7 to 10 metres of tarmac or slightly more if its in open ground. VM are under no obligation to serve all properties, & although they are able to use existing BT ducting in some areas, the existing service in the road must be FTTH & not HFC to use it.