Forum Discussion

AS's avatar
On our wavelength
3 months ago

Boxes and Wires

Good afternoon

On my bedroom wall I have the above setup.The box on the right goes out the wall and has a cable connected to the router. Fine. It also has a wee metal junction box hanging off the side attached to nothing. The box on the left sprouts a co-ax cable which ends unattached to anything behind the radiator. Qs - can i remove the horrid little box and the going-nowhere cable? 

You can also see my rather nifty indoor/outdoor slipper.


  • Tudor's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    Probably yes, but undo the two screws on each box and see what’s inside, you may be able to unscrew the redundant cables easier.

  • nodrogd's avatar
    Very Insightful Person

    The metal box is a diplexer/safety isolator. It looks as if this has been bypassed with the incoming cable to the right coupled straight into the right hand surface box. Hopefully this box contains an isolator or the entire installation is unprotected from surges coming in from the street cabling. As per above, unscrew the covers & see what the surface boxes contain.

  • Hello AS.

    Thanks for your post and pictures.

    Those slippers would come in very handy right now with this cold snap.

    Anyway back to the original question you asked. 

    Have you been able to check what is behind the covers?

    This is not something we advise to remove in case it causes interference on our network.
