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SSL Protocol Error - Site Can't Provide a Secure Connection

Tuning in

I'm having issues connecting to a site with the above error being thrown up. When using mobile data i have no issues, just when using VM.

I've spoken to the site owners and there are no blocks or issues being reported on the site. 

This has been happening since today only. I have read the below threads, but it seems this issue hasn't ever been resolved. Has anyone got a resolution for this? To be clear the site is nothing dodgy either.



Alessandro Volta

Knowing the site name would allow people to test it for you.

Alessandro Volta

Might the target site suffered an expired SSL certificate?  Also what happens when you don't put the HTTPS:// into the URL?

Does this happen in a different browser?

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)

Alessandro Volta

Some ISP / mobile provider Parental Controls trigger these types of browser errors.

Very Insightful Person
Very Insightful Person

@tallstac wrote:

I'm having issues connecting to a site with the above error being thrown up. When using mobile data i have no issues, just when using VM.

From a desktop or laptop device consider open a Command Prompt in Windows or a Terminal elsewhere and running the following commands where is replaced with the site domain:




If the IP Addresses returned by nslookup are not the same, i.e. former returns and latter something else, then review Essential Security settings, read more here How to stay safe online with Essential Security | Virgin Media Help

I'm a Very Insightful Person, I'm here to share knowledge, I don't work for Virgin Media. Learn more
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Thanks for the help!

i've asked whether the site has an expired SSL and they said no. It happens on every browser I've tried too and also when i don't put in the https://

i doubt it makes any difference because i can access the site fine if i tether from my phone, so it's ISP related, not site related according to the website owners. 

Alessandro Volta

It might then be TLS version related.  There are better brainios than me on that side of things.

Seph - ( DEFROCKED - My advice is at your risk)